Buy Cheap Black LED Lighted Keyboard W-9868BK USB

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Black LED Lighted Keyboard W-9868BK USB
Black Multimedia Keyboard with smooth "Whole silica gel" cushioned keys. This energy saving keyboard has a non-glare LED lighted board with a USB interface. Great for easy access to multi-media applications
Anti-static, anti-electromagnetic interference
Smooth quiet touch keys
Life of more than 10,000,000 percussion
One-touch internet access, easy to browse the Web
Comprehensive multi-media keys to mast voice and image

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Amazing! Drop price for Black LED Lighted Keyboard W-9868BK USB . Today Shopping Online & Get Discount and Affordable Black LED Lighted Keyboard W-9868BK USB Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. Big Saving & Greatest Buy Black LED Lighted Keyboard W-9868BK USB Check Price Now (Limit Time Price).

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Technical Details

- LED illuminated keys
- Life of more than 10,000,000 percussion
- One-touch internet access, easy to browse the Web
- Smooth quiet touch keys
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Customer Buzz
 "Don't do it!" 2010-08-31
By Brad Tadlock
This keyboard worked well for 1 day and then stopped working altogether. Go with Logitech.

Customer Buzz
 "awesome, If your used to cheap keyboards." 2010-08-25
By Coolaid
Ok, will take lots of typing to get used to. Once you do I feel it is superior to most keyboards. It does't take mistakes for an answer. Most of the people who post bad things about the key mapping i think are just sluggish typers', or there used to having a margin for error. This forces your hands to become more precise which allow your finger coordination to really improve. You'll just have to type considerable amount with it to get used to it IE: School paper.

Only thing I don't like about it really is it does not have skip track button on the top, I mean it has: pause, mute, vol-up, vol-down but no next/previous track which sucks due to having to alt tab in games to switch track. Also keys could have been a tiny bit bigger, theres enough plastic around the edge.

Also I have no problem with the light on/off on scroll lock and it turning off the arrow keys. Mine still work just fine. On and off.

All in all, best keyboard for this price you'll ever find.

Customer Buzz
 "my lamp is happy" 2010-08-17
By A. jeffers (RALEIGH, NC, US)
my lamp is not too happy since i can typy in he dark,i like it

Customer Buzz
 "Like it with Reservations. Spring for more $" 2010-08-03
By Lynda L. Bates
The light makes all the difference. Without the light, the keyboard is very difficult to use. There is a BIG problem with lighting the device. The light is turned on using the Scroll Lock. This turns off the arrow keys. I hate the consequences of no arrow keys! Excel becomes very awkward, actually a nightmare, to navigate.

I have searched for a detailed manual and, so far, had no success. There must be a way to light the keyboard and not lock out the arrows. I'll keep searching, but if anyone has one please upload it to this product.

The other reviews are correct about key size and placement issues. I am forever turning on the Cap Lock when typing the letter "a" or trying to key shift. The keyboard does not have a normal configuration. There are numerous cumbersome key placements that make average touch typing impossible.

While I regret choosing to be so cheap, this keyboard is an improvement over the Dell Inspiron setup. Oh, for my old iMac ... I miss you so.

Customer Buzz
 "Small Keyboard, keys squished together" 2010-07-31
By Kathryn R. Kuhn
Overall, great keyboard for the money. However that being said, it is very small compared to the full size keyboard that came with the computer. Space bar is about half sized, along with the backspace and enter keys. Also very annoying the HOME key is directly next to the backspace, and since the backspace key is tiny, it takes some getting used to I have hit the Home key a million times and its very frustrating. Also, the volume control media buttons dont seem to work, I could probably investigate and find out but its not 100% plug and play if you are looking for that. I got this keyboard to be able to type in the dark because the light keeps my daughter awake so it serves its purpose, in time I am sure I will get used to the small size. The led lights are very bright and the keyboard is very easy to read, however when the light is not on it is next to impossible to see the letters on the keys. Also the light does not have its own button, it is shared with the scoll lock key which is a little annoying.

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