Buy Cheap Kensington Slim Type Keyboard - PC ( 64365 )

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Kensington Slim Type Keyboard for PCs : Dress up any desktop computer with a stylish, low profile keyboard. The Kensington SlimType Keyboard delivers comfort and convenience - with a style that will complement any desktop. Outside, the sleek, slim black and silver exterior reflects today´s contemporary styling. Inside, the latest keyboard technologies deliver fingertip convenience and control. Scissor-switch key technology - found in laptops - delivers light action typing with a crisp, responsive feel. And intuitive multimedia hot keys provide one-touch control of volume, play/pause, track, mute, and eject. There are even hot keys for sleep and calculator modes. Kensington 5 year warranty. PC or compatible computer with USB port.
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Technical Details

- Sleek contemporary profile complements any desktop
- Scissor-switch technology delivers crisp, responsive touch typing
- Laptop-style keys with a lighter action for faster typing
- Intuitive hot keys for one-touch multimedia control
- Easy USB connection
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Customer Buzz
 "Watch out for repetitive stress injuries" 2010-08-08
By Sheryl Bateman
I like the scissor action of this keyboard. It looks nice and seems very sturdy. The only downside that I did not consider before purchase is that with such a small keyboard your hands have to be close together while typing which puts my wrists at a bad angle. I type continuously for 4 hours a day and at the end of that I am really starting to feel the discomfort. I find myself sliding the keyboard over to one side or the other to relieve the stress, but there is no happy medium.

Customer Buzz
 "Love this keyboard" 2010-06-09
By Madd Krakker (Hillsboro, Oregon)
Love this keyboard. I had been looing for something with an "Apple" look for the PC, and this is one of the closest things I found. My only complaint is that it doesn't have a damn volume control on it. it has a button for calculator, but not something as commonly used as volume. WTF?

Customer Buzz
 "Great keyboard" 2010-05-29
By Joseph Sousa (New York)
First of all I would like to say that this keyboard came the next day even tho i chose the 3-5 day shipping so that was a plus. Like many other people have said, yeah the key placement is a little weird but i have been using this keyboard for a few hours now and i have already gotten used to it. One down side of this keyboard is when typing it does make a lot of noise. Also another problem i have been noticing is that the space bar seems a little not sticky but as if it could be clicked in more when typing on it. One complaint i have to say with the shipping is that the box it was in was all crushed and the tape was basically missing but the box the keyboard was in was fine. Typing on this keyboard is a little painful in the wrist then a regular sized keyboard because the keys to me seem a little closer together.

But overall i would recommend this keyboard to anybody who is looking at this. I also play World of Warcraft and Counter Strike and the preformance of this keyboard is up to par with my gaming standards and i even did a little programming with java and didn'thave much trouble with the key placements.

Kensington Slim Type Keyboard - PC ( 64365 )

Customer Buzz
 "Keyboard is great!" 2010-05-10
By A. POLANSKI (Arizona)
I had one of these in the past, and when something sticky got down in the keys, I went straight to Amazon to pick up another one of these keyboards. Works great!

Customer Buzz
By Linda D. Pinder (Spanish Wells, Bahamas)
I was not happy with the keyboard that came with my HP Desktop Computer (love the computer; disliked the keyboard) but stuck with it. Recently, I had been typing more on my HP Laptop. When I returned to the desktop to type, I noticed just how bad it felt to type on compared to the laptop, so I went searching for a new desktop keyboard.

Came upon this Kensington model which stated in the description, "Scissor-switch key technology - found in laptops - delivers light action typing with a crisp, responsive feel". Didn't realize that this technology was also available in destop keyboards. I've purchased Kensington products before and found their construction and performance to be very good even though they are not as popular as the well-known brands. The price of this product is also very reasonable, so I ordered it and gave it a try.

I have been more than pleasantly surprised with this purchase. Where the keys on my previous keyboard had been harder to press and noisy, this keyboard has a light and quiet touch which makes typing faster and quieter with less mistakes. Also, I am not a fan of the new flat/chicklet keypads and prefer these contoured keys. This keyboard would be my choice over those other higher-rated keyboards, any day! (It is wired, but that's not an issue for me; I don't move the keyboard from the desk, anyway)

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