Buy Cheap Logitech Access Keyboard 600

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Work in comfort with convenient launch controls, multimedia hot keys, intuitive fingertip volume control, and a soft-touch keyboard.
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Amazing! Drop price for Logitech Access Keyboard 600 . Today Shopping Online & Get Discount and Affordable Logitech Access Keyboard 600 Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. Big Saving & Greatest Buy Logitech Access Keyboard 600 Check Price Now (Limit Time Price).

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Technical Details

- Connectivity - USB
- Color - Black
- Warranty - 3 Years
- - Enhanced Function Keys: Easily program your F-Keys to open applications, files, or folders.
- - Spill-Resistant: Protect your keyboard from accidental drips or splashes.
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Customer Buzz
 "Easily, the Best keyboard for the price!" 2010-07-16
By Bbone
Purchased for maybe $25 with shipping. Was one of the only 'media' keyboards I could find with a wheel for volume, although it's not like the old logitech keyboard i had with a programmable mouse type wheel. Shortcuts are arranged in a perfect layout. Multi-function 'F' Keys are easily toggled. Weight, look, feel.. awesome!

Customer Buzz
 "Great keyboard, thanks!" 2010-07-06
By Constance Trujillo
This is a really good keyboard, does everything you need it to, I don't see why it got a few bad reviews, great keyboard at an even better price.. thanks.

Customer Buzz
 "62 Weeks and a Spill Later...Still Working" 2010-06-06
By A. Kwan (Chicago, IL)
It's been 62 weeks and a day since I ordered this keyboard. Since then I have somehow miraculously avoided spilling anything on the keyboard (usually have a cup of water nearby). Well, at least until tonight.

I had my usual glass of water sitting in front me just behind the wristrest area of the keyboard. There was maybe 6 ounces of water in the cup at time and I reached over to turn off the speaker on my desk. I knocked over the cup of water and spill most of it (maybe 2/3 - 5/6 of it onto the keyboard. I immediately tipped the keyboard over and started wiping at keyboard with tissue on hand.

I wiped off the desk and dried up the keyboard as best as I could. With the keyboard still upside down, I tilted it at an angle and let all the water drip out. I wiped it off after it stopped dripping. I then took a can of compressed air and blew air into the spaces between the keys.

After all that, keyboard seems to be just fine. I went tested every key and combinations and everything still works. Seems the "spill resistant" design seems to work as advertised. Last keyboard I spilled some water on (generic with spill resistant design), it died on the spot. This one survived a pretty big spill in my opinion. Won't even

Other than that, it's a great keyboard. Not as silent as my last keyboard, the MS Comfort Curve 2000. Sounds more like light hollow taps when I type. I bought it since my MS keyboard's keys were mostly faded after 1.5 years of use. Not one key has started to fade on this keyboard so far. It has the usual function keys that I wanted: volume radial/key, a mute button, calculator quick key, and simplified Dvorak layout ("regular" Enter key, not the big reverse "L" shaped one).

Customer Buzz
 "Cheap, rugged and made to last." 2009-12-01
By Deimos (Alberta)
This is truly another innovative product from logitech. I bought one of these for work to make my typing easier while in my office and at home. The access keyboard also comes with awesome software which gives you so many great features like on screen caps notice, great volume control, excellent responcive quick launch buttons for useful things like calculator, email etc. For the low price this is truly a top notch keyboard for home or work use for mac or PC. Note using this great keyboard on mac required no software installation. but on PC you need to install the logitech software to get the same functionality. Very happy.

Customer Buzz
 "Solid budget keyboard" 2009-04-26
By Wireless Fan (Portland Or)
Good quality corded, budget keyboard. If this is what you need then this will fill the bill.

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