Buy Cheap Kensington 64338 Comfort Type USB Keyboard (PC/Mac)

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Kensington Comfort Type USB Keyboard for PCs or Mac: Superior comfort without relearning how to type. Designed for maximum comfort and productivity, this ergonomically designed USB keyboard employs the unique, Comfort Type(TM) key structure encouraging a relaxed, natural wrist position while maintaining the standard key locations. The result is increased comfort without the need to relearn a thing. Touch typists will love this keyboard! Kensington has found that many users of the most popular "split" keyboards on the market find their large size and unconventional key configurations to be intimidating. Some have also complained that there is a long "learning curve" associated with these keyboards. The Comfort Style keyboards are designed to increase comfort without relquiring users to relearn how to type. Standard size keyboard with 104-key layout. Black. USB/PS2 connectivity. 5-year warranty and free technical support.
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Technical Details

- Kensington Edge: Comfort Type angled keys for comfortable, relaxed wrist position and light action for easy touch typing
- Standard size uses less desk space than split-style keyboards
- Unmatched satisfaction guarantee--five-year warranty, toll-free technical support, and 90-day no-risk trial
- Stylish black keyboard with 104 keys
- USB connection
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Customer Buzz
 "'Just one problem, but it's a VERY annoying one..." 2010-08-08
By Thom (Midwest, USA)
I do like the angled keys - I thought that it might take a while to get used to them, but it did not. Even after getting used to these keys, I don't find it difficult to go back to the "regular" keyboard on my other computers. The keys are a little taller on this keyboard than I'm used to, but that's a quick adjustment also.

The one thing that I don't like is that the \ key is located on the right-side of the right "Shift" key. Every other keyboard that I've ever used has a Shift key that extends to where that key is located. When I'm using the other keys (the numeric pad, arrow keys, "Home", "End", etc.), quite often I'll reach for that Shift key, and hit the \ instead - 'very annoying...

If that one key wasn't there, this keyboard would get five stars from me. For those of you that will reply that this one problem doesn't warrant a one-star review, I disagree - it is VERY frustrating to have to stop working to delete the \, when they could have simply put that key where it is on most other keyboards...

Customer Buzz
 "Grandpa to the rescue." 2010-06-05
By Samuel Chell (Kenosha,, WI United States)
I gave my daughter-in-law an iMac at Christmas. Indeed, it appears to have been a hit--so much so that my son was devastated to relate to me in a phone conversation that the keyboard had been rendered inoperative by my grand-daughter's no doubt well-intentioned spill of a glass of sticky liquid on the keys. "No problem," I said, at the same instant looking for the most inexpensive keyboard available under Amazon Prime, next entering my son's address, then sending off the order--before the conversation had ended. Two days later, the keyboard arrived and the iMac has been fully restored to action--and with a keyboard costing 1/6th the price of Apple's much-hyped little wireless slab (obviously not water-proof, despite the premium price). in fact, the Kensington offers what was missing, and moreover frequently missed, on the Apple proprietary model: a numbers pad. If you're in a similar situation, this one is worth considering. I can't speak to Kensington support, though my experience with a Logitech diNova Mac keyboard was enough to discourage further purchases from the company. When the price of an item such as this reaches down into the ten-dollar zone (including tax and shipping), the question of customer support may no longer be worth asking.

Customer Buzz
 "Not bad in the least." 2009-12-29
By Max Perez (Newnan,GA USA)
I ordered this keyboard to supplement my laptop during its use on an external display. Frankly, I like it. the form of the keys feels incredibly natural, there was no learning curve. Would recommend. Ive used it for report writing and gaming alike and have no complaints. Kind of a weird spot for the "/" key though. But hey, dont use that much so no problem here! Best of luck!

Customer Buzz
 "Good construction and feel, backslash annoying" 2009-11-07
By Kevin D. Peterson (San Mateo, CA)
Good points:

Construction quality is very good for the price. It doesn't feel flimsy, it doesn't bend or anything, keys have a consistent feel.

Subject things I like:

- I like the feel of the keys. They have a longer keystroke and require a bit more pressure than most keyboards. I like a good solid feel like this. Of course for $20 these aren't mechanical, but I'm not sure my wife and baby would enjoy the sound of a mechanical anyway.

- The F & J keys have a faint ring outlining where your finger tips would go in addition to a slightly larger than usual dot at the lower edge. This helps me.

Things I don't like:

- The backslash / pipe key is in the wrong place.

- The N, H, Y and 6 keys are convex, which I don't understand. Given the layout, they need to be a different shape, but I don't know why the rounded tops are needed.

The layout isn't that different. It's mostly just the keys are angled diamonds instead of mostly square. If anyone can point me to a keyboard with a similar feel with a traditional layout, I'd be most appreciative.

Customer Buzz
 "It helps" 2009-02-21
By Java
The ergonomic layout has helped alieve the tingling in my fingers from longterm keyboard usage.

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