Buy Cheap iMicro Basic Black USB Keyboard English

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Basic black USB Keyboard
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Amazing! Drop price for iMicro Basic Black USB Keyboard English . Today Shopping Online & Get Discount and Affordable iMicro Basic Black USB Keyboard English Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. Big Saving & Greatest Buy iMicro Basic Black USB Keyboard English Check Price Now (Limit Time Price).

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Technical Details

- Dimensions (WxLxH): 164 x 455 x 21.5 mm
- Input Power: 5 ± 0.25 V
- Sleep/ Wake up/ Power - 3 Function Keys
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Customer Buzz
 "Definitely feels cheap, but the key action isn't bad.." 2010-09-04
By David
You get what you pay for in this instance - a $9 keyboard that feels like it cost just that much. The key action is decent for a keyboard, and much better than the rollable/"indestructable" keyboard I got recently that it will replace. The silicon indestructable keyboards have absolutely intolerable insensitivity to key presses, so I had to get a "real" one instead. This keyboard fits the bill if you don't want to spend much. I've had keyboards with better keys (namely, my laptop's keyboard), but if you want that sort of quality for an external USB keyboard you'll probably have to pay $30+ for the scissor-key action.

Customer Buzz
 "Don't settle for this...." 2010-04-15
By Christopher Gillis (VA)
The keyboard is laid out normally. The keys have little action. They're pretty squishy. It's what you'd expect from a cheap keyboard. The problem is the manufacturer did not bother to put rubber on the bottom, so this keyboard is going to slip and slide continuously while you are typing.

Best to save a couple more dollars and get a keyboard that is going to have proper grip on the bottom.

Customer Buzz
 "Great basic keyboard-good price" 2010-03-27
By Loves Dharma (West coast USA)
It's a very nice basic keyboard at a good price. When I got it, it didn't have any instructions with it so I wondered about a few keys like 'Sleep', but other than that it's great. Lightweight and good price! Works great for PS3! No software required.

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