Buy Cheap Inland Pro USB Keyboard

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This pro keyboard in designed for performance computing. Utilizes 108 keys and is spill resistant.The smart keyboard designed for the way you work!
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Amazing! Drop price for Inland Pro USB Keyboard . Today Shopping Online & Get Discount and Affordable Inland Pro USB Keyboard Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. Big Saving & Greatest Buy Inland Pro USB Keyboard Check Price Now (Limit Time Price).

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Technical Details

- Spill Resistant
- Utilizes 108 keys and is spill resistant
- Tactile Key touch
- Keyboard Typematic: Adjustable, 7 speeds
- Key travel: Full travel 4.2MM
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Customer Buzz
 "Its fine." 2010-09-12
By Barbara Cantrell (Baltimore)
I read some reviews for this keyboard before I ordered it. Some people noted that the tapered shape of the keys is uncomfortable. I have no problem with the keys. The only issue I do have is that the enter/return key is shaped differently than a standard keyboard, so that takes a little bit of getting used to. Otherwise it works just fine.

Customer Buzz
 "Why pay more for a keyboard?" 2010-06-12
By Anonymous (New York)
Works great , I've had logitech, microsoft, acer, and now an Inland keyboard

A child broke off the space bar on my last keyboard so I bought this for $5 at MicroCenter.

The other reviewer who said you have to push the spacebar dead center to make it work is completely wrong. It had 3 plunger points , the same as almost any other keyboard.

You can pay $15 for logitech or $20 for a microsoft brand, but why???? This one works exactly the same for a fraction of the price.

Customer Buzz
 "Spend a few extra dollars" 2010-02-18
By A. J. Tilley (philadelphia, pa)
I got one of these at MicroCenter, but it's practically unusable for me. If you DELIBERATELY press each key, one at a time and check the screen to ensure each letter appeared, then yes - it works.

My biggest problem with this keyboard is the spacebar - it only has one sensor/plunger - so you have to hit the center of it for it to work. Hitting to the left or to the right results in no space.

I highly recommend spending the few extra dollars to get a Logitech or Microsoft keyboard, for example. If you buy cheap, you buy twice. If anyone wants this one, it will be outside my place in a trashcan next Monday evening.

Customer Buzz
 "Cheap keyboard that works OK" 2009-08-22
By Jason P. Gold (Long Beach, CA)
It is a little hard to say much about a keyboard. This one is very cheap. I bought one at MicroCenter for $5. You would think the parts cost more than that. If made in the US, instead of China, it would cost more to put the 16 screws in it. Heck, the screws would probably cost that much!

A 22 month old toddler pulled the keys off of my lenovo laptop and I needed a keyboard so I could work on it. I don't have the $200 to send the Laptop back to Lenovo at the moment. And, I didn't want to carry around a heavy, expensive keyboard. I tried one of the foldable, indestructable keyboard which cost about $13, but I couldn't type on it very well because the keys have no support. So, I have been using this very inexpensive device for a couple of weeks. It works well enough, the keys, are a bit stiff, but I have no trouble typing at 70 words per minute. We have a couple of cheap Dell desktops at work with a very thin, light keyboards. This has a similar feel.

This is my second one of these keyboards. The last one got stepped on by a 17 year old and cracked. So, I turned it over and unscrewed the bottom cover to see what was inside. Answer -- not much! It contains a two plastic sheets with wiring etched on it. The keys are supported by little round plastic plunger type things, which look almost like small plastic bottle caps. When I bought the newest keyboard, one of the plastic plunber caps was installed upside down, so I had to open up the keyboard and turn the cap it right-side up. So much for quality control!

You get what you pay for. But, I wouldn't want to drag around an expensive device which could get broken. This one meets my needs.

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