Buy Cheap Standard USB Keyboard, Black

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Our smooth-feel USB keyboard is 100% Windows-compatible and is the ideal replacement for your dirty ol' keyboard clunker.
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Amazing! Drop price for Standard USB Keyboard, Black . Today Shopping Online & Get Discount and Affordable Standard USB Keyboard, Black Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. Big Saving & Greatest Buy Standard USB Keyboard, Black Check Price Now (Limit Time Price).

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Technical Details

- Full, standard-size design
- Adjustable height
- Durable, quiet-touch keys
- 100% satisfaction guarantee
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Customer Buzz
 "J_U_N_K" 2010-04-07
By Eric Weinig (Columbia, MD United States)
Letters wore off the keyboard in less than a month of light use. Some keys stick. Buy another keyboard.

Customer Buzz
 "works for all gaming systems :)" 2010-01-19
By David Lassley
if you plan on getting a usb keyboard for your games rather it for your ps3 wii or xbox 360 and dont want to pay around 20 to 50 bucks for basically the same thing then this is the one for you its cheap but gets the job done words really good on every system

Customer Buzz
 "Excellent for the price" 2008-11-21
By James Starritt (Kansas City, MO)
For $7 you can not go wrong. The construction feels a bit cheap but the keyboard works and there are no frills or nasty surprises. I have a few of these now and they have never let me down, and even if they did ... for the price I doubt I would be overly upset.

Customer Buzz
 "Amazing for the price!" 2008-10-27
By Chris (New Jersey)
I use this keyboard for my PS3 and it works great! If you have a PS3 and want a cheap easy to use keyboard, this is it! It is very good for the price! I ordered one for my friend and I and we both love it! Keys are easy to use feels like a regular keyboard. I wouldn't mind using this as my own keyboard. If your looking for a good working keyboard. I recommend this!

Customer Buzz
 "You get what you pay for" 2008-07-17
By Matthew Macagno (Portland, OR USA)
Well great price for this keyboard. BUT the one I recieved new out of the box already had a problem with the enter key being stuck periodically. Scrubbed it down and it still does it. Not to mention I dislike that "power" button on top, accidently hit that many a time. Anyway you get what you pay for, be warned.

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