Buy Cheap Macally IKEY5 USB Slim Keyboard

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Macally iKeySlim is a stylish & clean white slim keyboard. Enhanced low profile keycaps reduces key stroke travel distances and eases pressure on your finger tips.

Main Features

  • Manufacturer: Mace Group, Inc
  • Manufacturer Part Number: IKEY5
  • Manufacturer Website Address:
  • Keyboard/Keypad Connectivity Technology: Cable
  • Keyboard/Keypad Wireless Technology: Not Applicable
  • Number of Keys: 104 Keys
  • Interfaces/Ports: 1 x 4-pin Type A Male USB
  • Color: Ice White

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    Amazing! Drop price for Macally IKEY5 USB Slim Keyboard . Today Shopping Online & Get Discount and Affordable Macally IKEY5 USB Slim Keyboard Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. Big Saving & Greatest Buy Macally IKEY5 USB Slim Keyboard Check Price Now (Limit Time Price).

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    Customer Buzz
     "software problem?" 2010-07-10
    By J. Lindsey (Soquel, CA USA)
    I purchased this keyboard to use with the new 27 inch iMac because I did not like the limited Bluetooth keyboard that came with the Mac. I immediately began to have trouble with the keyboard. When I woke the computer from sleep by touching the keyboard, frequently I would get a noise as if a key was being held down. If a cursor was in a search window, I would frequently have one letter type continuously. Sometimes in an open window, the cursor would move around as if the up and down keys were pressed. This did not happen with an older Macintosh keyboard. After several e-mails to tech support, I paid to have the keyboard shipped back. There was no follow-up for weeks and weeks. Finally after a month, I was able to contact tech support again and, after two e-mails I got a keyboard sent back to me. It has exactly the same problems-I'm not sure if this is the same keyboard or a new one. It is usable, but very annoying when it acts like a key is stuck when none is touched. I think I'm going to give up trying to get this one fixed and just get a wired Macintosh full keyboard.

    Customer Buzz
     "Love it!!" 2010-06-28
    By needler (Texas)
    I totally destroyed two keyboards in less than a week. This keyboard was an emergency order so I could use my computer. It arrived in one day - it is easy to use & so MUCH better than the original equipment. No problem with the volume keys (don't use them anyway). Am getting another one for my other computer!!

    Customer Buzz
     "Replacement Mac Keyboard" 2010-04-04
    By drglenn
    Macally IKEY5 USB Slim Keyboard

    Inexpensive, yet decent, Mac keyboard replacement. Does what its supposed to do. Not as smooth and quiet as some, but a lot less money, and fully functional.

    Customer Buzz
     "Mac users are deprived. Thank goodness for this." 2010-01-22
    By Jesda Gulati (St Louis)
    I bought this iKeySlim to replace an Apple USB keyboard I purchased in 2005 (the Apple spacesaver USB with the clear plastic tray around it). The Apple keyboard I had was durable but completely unenjoyable to type on, and it had a habit of collecting food and hair. Apple's key design allowed plastic to rub directly on plastic, making the keys creak lightly on impact. It felt crude and I was overdue for a change.

    I was considering a $70 Unicomp keyboard with IBM-style buckling springs, but didn't want to spend that much. I also didn't want to disturb my roommate with noise.

    I had low expectations for this $19 MacAlly keyboard but was pleasantly surprised when I cracked open the box at the store and discovered that the keys had an audible click. No, its not a real clicking spring sound like a classic IBM model M, but it gives audible feedback and has a gentle clicking feel under your fingers.

    The keystrokes are a bit shallow, much like many modern laptop keyboards. Macally actually advertises this on the box as a feature, though I'm not sure why. Because the strokes are shallow, the impact is a bit harsher than a traditional keyboard will full size keycaps. You learn to adjust, however, by typing a little lighter, and the result is pleasant.

    I wish the volume keys were on the side instead of way up on top.

    The printed text on the keys can be felt while typing, which is a bit crude, but the rest of the keyboard is well made with sufficient weight (under 2lbs) to keep it on place on your desk.

    I gave it 5/5 stars for noise because I actually -want- to hear each keystroke. Quiet keyboards tend to feel gummy. I started writing school papers on a Royal typewriter, so audible feedback is a huge plus for me.

    I havent tried cleaning it yet, but there's phillips-head screws underneath.

    Customer Buzz
     "Terrible Keyboard alternative to Apple Keyboard" 2009-09-01
    By Mark Bennett (Bellingham, WA)
    If you buy based just on price then this is the keyboard for you. If you want a keyboard with keys that stick, has a cheap feel and looks lousy then this is also the keyboard for you. However if you want a solid, reliable keyboard, spend some more money and get the Apple keyboard.

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