Buy Cheap Kensington 64370A Keyboard for life USB

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Spill-safe keyboard, plus it´s warrantied for life. This sleek keyboard features a spill-safe design that protects electronics from liquid damage. Slim profile design saves valuable workspace, while PS2/USB compatibility allows use with both older and newer computers. For PCs running Microsoft® Windows® 98 or later. Black 101-key keyboard. Lifetime warranty and free technical support. The K64370A model incorporates some minor upgrades and differences versus the original 64370 Keyboard for Life, including slightly lower keys for a smoother key-stroke action.
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Amazing! Drop price for Kensington 64370A Keyboard for life USB . Today Shopping Online & Get Discount and Affordable Kensington 64370A Keyboard for life USB Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. Big Saving & Greatest Buy Kensington 64370A Keyboard for life USB Check Price Now (Limit Time Price).

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Technical Details

- Kensington Edge: Spill-safe keyboard with lifetime warranty--never buy another keyboard!
- Keyboard has sturdy metal back plate and sealed membrane design
- USB compatible keyboard for PCs running Windows 98 and later
- Sleek, slim profile saves valuable workspace, complements professional workstation
- 101-Key keyboard
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Customer Buzz
 "Maybe the last game in town for traditionalists" 2010-08-03
By rob (somewhere in the south)
I'm not exactly old, but I am old school. I type fast, I love keyboard shortcuts, and I use my keyboard much more than my mouse. I like my desktop keyboards with a decent, deep key throw and a good, tactile feel. I like my F1-12 row and PgUp / PgDn / Home / End keys to be easy to find and touch on a moment's notice. I don't want any gimmicks like "system function" shortcut buttons all over the perimeter, slim-profile laptop-esque keys (or, worse, chiclet keys!), nor split / angled / mangled key layouts.

If you have gone into an office supply store any time in the last year or two, you know these are the dark days for people who want good, no-nonsense desktop keyboards. For secondary systems, I've actually taken to buying used keyboards that are 5-10 years old over anything newly made. Even the stuff that came in the box with off-the-shelf systems in 2002 is better in feel and utility than the garbage being sold on the shelves of Big Box for $80 nowadays. (Want proof? Look at what certain multi-billion companies from Redmond are doing to their function row lately...)

So thank you, Kensington, for holding out... sort of. I have had the *new* version of the Keyboard For Life on my main desktop system for about 24 months now and I am still pleased enough with it. It replaced an ancient PS2 Silicon Graphics keyboard that had markedly better key feel, but no Windows keys, which was driving me nuts even with workaround mappings. (I'm also a Win-key junkie.)

I think the KFL represents not only a great value for the money (at least contextually), it's perhaps the only passable "real keyboard" still in production for the traditional-keyboard enthusiast. In the current market, you would need to spend over $100 at a tiny specialist manufacturer (I'm thinking in particular of another name that begins with "K") to get a better basic board for typing and coding. The feel of the KFL is definitely a little soft and vague for my taste, but its key feel still beats the heck out of other new mainstream keyboards costing 4 or 5 times as much.

Sometime in the near future, I'll be buying about five or six more of these and stashing them away as my backups. Hopefully they will last me until the end of the current desktop paradigm, because there sure ain't any better option out there at the moment.

Customer Buzz
 "Good cheap keyboard" 2010-04-17
By Oneshot (USA)
Works great

Priced right

No keyboard lasts for ever.

I'd buy another ;)

Customer Buzz
 "i don't like is uncomfortable..." 2010-02-28
By F. A. Ramirez (Bs, As, Argentina)
doesn't have slimkeys as says in the box... just have short normal keys...

is dificult to push the space bar for example... and all the other key on the bottom line...

those keys feels like it was in some kind of digs...

it is too light... it moves too easy over the glass table...

I thought that I was buying a keyboard that felt as the keyboard of my notebook...

Customer Buzz
 "Adequate external keyboard for laptop" 2010-02-19
By J in Novato (NOVATO, CA United States)
This keyboard works great as an external keyboard for a laptop. 3-stars because it is just a keyboard, nothing to like or love about it.

Customer Buzz
 "Keyboard. Yeah!" 2009-10-05
It's a keyboard. It works as expected. Plug and play, no drivers or anything to install. Comfortable to type on and not a whole lot of clickety clack. Nice.

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